The Zone: How to Get in It and Stay in It

The Zone: How to Get in It and Stay in It
The Zone
Body, Mind & Spirit
Tom Evans


If you have ever been in the zone and on top of your game, you will have experienced such a wonderful feeling. Everything flows for you and is effortless. You can do no wrong when you are on song. Conversely if you are off your game, nothing goes right and the whole world seems to conspire against you. We wonder if we have upset someone when our mojo deserts us. If you have been in the zone and wondered how you got there, then this book is for you as it will show you how to stay there permanently. If you are out of the zone and wonder how you get in it, then this book is the map and guide you have been looking for too. You'll find out how there is not just one zone but many and that we can occupy more than one at the same time. You'll also discover how we can all too easily fall into by danger zones. This book will not only show you how to get out of them if you are trapped in one but also how not to enter them in the first place. If you perform live as a sports person or on stage as a singer, musician or presenter, you will find much here to help you keep at your peak. If you work in the creative sphere where you are performing too but off line, this book will show you how to deliver high quality output consistently. If you are in business, there is much here you can use to give you a competitive edge. If you work in a client-facing role, find out how to keep both you and your customers smiling. If you are in a relationship, this book is awash with tips to keep everything fresh, dynamic and interesting. You will learn how you can fall in love every single day with the same person, if that's your bag. If you are out of a relationship, you'll find simple techniques to change the 'inner-you' such that the perfect partner breezes into your world. The Zone is a clarion call to each of us to enjoy life to the full and to perform at our best. Note though that being in the zone is not all about activity and energy, you will learn how relaxation and 'me-time' are essential components of a Zone-Full existence. When you are fully immersed in The Zone, life becomes a breeze and takes on a magical quality. You feel and know as if you have fully arrived for the first time.

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