Corridors of Time is the story of two very different families and the devastating events which affect their lives during a period of time covering the Victorian music hall through to post prohibition New York. In 1886 James Roberts, son of a wealthy Scottish merchant marries Miriam McCauley, daughter of a Music Hall proprietor. The drastic consequences of their marriage continue through the years, destroying and tearing the two families apart. After the birth of their daughter, Miriam's mental health deteriorates and James Roberts' obsession with the young showgirl fades. She is sent to a convent in Ireland and he bigamously marries. Twenty four years later he learns that Miriam is ill and her family needs money for her treatment. Fearing blackmail, James takes the identity of his dying twin and leaves for the U.S.A. After the First World War, his eldest son David emigrates to America and by chance meets up with his father in New York. David discovers the truth about his father's disappearance but after a challenging reunion father and son are finally parted.