Coaching Skills Training Course. Business and Life Coaching Techniques for Improving Performance Using Nlp and Goal Setting. Your Toolkit to...

Coaching Skills Training Course. Business and Life Coaching Techniques for Improving Performance Using Nlp and Goal Setting. Your Toolkit to...
Executive coaching
Kathryn Critchley


Coaching Skills Training Course This book brings together different coaching models and helps give you an easy to follow structure to design inspiring coaching sessions. An easy to follow 5 step model to guide you through the coaching process. Exercises will help you enhance your skills. Learn to both self-coach and coach others. Work at your own pace to increase your coaching ability. Free downloadable, from http: // easy to apply scripts and guided questions that you can start to use immediately. Over 25 ready to use ideas. How to use NLP in your coaching. Goal setting tools to help people achieve their ambitions. A toolbox of ideas to help you become a great coach. What do people think? "Fabulous workbook. Covered the background, the techniques, the 'hows' and the 'whys' making it very clear and simple to use for yourself or others." "A great business or personal tool packed with useful information and techniques." "The only coaching book I have read that gives you the templates and scripts ready to use and permission to use them." "Takes you through step by step from understanding coaching to running your own sessions." About the author - Kathryn Critchley Kathryn is a highly skilled and experienced trainer, coach and therapist. She has worked for over 14 years with organizations such as BT, Orange, Peugeot, Cisco Systems, IBM, British Gas, Victim Support & Witness Service, NHS and various Councils, Schools and Universities. Kathryn was keen to write a coaching skills book with a difference, that not only described useful coaching tools but empowered the reader with ready to use skills, strategies and templates to self-coach or coach others. This is a comprehensive book of tried and tested tools and techniques that Kathryn regularly uses to be a successful business and personal coach. Kathryn Critchley, Realife Ltd Kathryn is a highly skilled and experienced trainer, coach and therapist. With over 14 years experience of high-pressure sales and management roles in the telecoms industry with organizations such as BT and Orange, Kathryn understands the dynamics of team-building, change management, employee motivation and organizational productivity. She has provided training, coaching or therapy for organizations such as BT, Orange, Peugeot, Cisco Systems, IBM, British Gas, Victim Support and Witness Service, NHS and various councils, schools and universities. Kathryn is passionate about helping people make positive changes and achieve their goals. She achieves remarkable results through seminars and workshops, as well as one to one interventions. Her website is In this book she shares some of the knowledge and skills that have helped her to be a successful business and personal coach.

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