The services and resources in The Iona Abbey Worship Book reflect the Iona Community's commitment to the belief that worship is all that we are and all that we do, both inside and outside the church, with no division into the 'sacred' and the 'secular'.
A completely revised and expanded edition of this collection of liturgies for morning, day, evening, Holy Communion and healing services and there are revised liturgies from the original edition.
Historian and Iona Community member Rosemary Power tells the story of the small Hebridean island of Iona and its remarkable spiritual influence over fifteen centuries.
There Philip developed this book as an aid to daily prayer. Here is a weekly cycle of morning and evening prayers in the Celtic tradition, with gospel and psalm readings taken from the liturgical year.
A resource book for anyone who is planning a funeral.
The Iona Community believes that we are brought to Iona not to be changed into 'religious' people, but rather to be made more fully human. Our common life - including our services - is directed to that end.
Historic Scotland's official souvenir guide for Iona Abbey and Nunnery.
This is a spiritual diary of that journey, comprising reflections, prayer poems and evocative images from the road and poetry which Stephen Cottrell has written for many years.
The Singing Thing: A Case for Congregational Song
Ruth Burgess. V. The. worship. environment. and. leadership. It is important when planning services of prayer for healing to think about the environment in which worship may take place. Some buildings are more flexible than others, ...
This new edition (previously The Iona Community Worship Book) has been extensively revised and rearranged and includes much new material developed by the resident group on Iona.