Maria K. Todd . Available from business and economic data . Economics Co. • Annual . $ 325.00 . ... Stan Williamson and others . Profiles of U. S. Hospitals . Dorland Healthcare Information . • Annual . $ 299.00 .
Through a Glass Clearly: Finding, Evaluating, and Using Business Information from the Soviet Region
Each updated edition identifies nearly 35,000 live, print and electronic sources of information listed under more than 1,100 alphabetically arranged subjects--industries and business concepts and practices. Edited by business information...
The Hanson Guide to Business Organizations & Agencies
Business Organizations, Agencies, and Publications Directory
The Business One Irwin International Almanac . Homewood , IL .: Business One Irwin , 1993. 742 p . ISSN 1068-0942 . LCCN 93-000091 . Each almanac focuses on a different aspect of investing . The 1993 issue looks at country profiles from ...
The conference received a total of 29 submissions, of which 9 full papers, 1 short paper and 1 position paper are included in this volume. In addition, the volume contains one keynote paper in full paper length.
Non-formal education in international comparison: Patterns of participation and investment in selected European countries. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET). Navaneethakrishnan Kengatharan ...
ernment statistics . The National Statistics logo will appear only on statistics which meet rigorous standards of data collection , processing , and dissemination . These are set out in a new National Statistics code of practice .
Business Organizations, Agencies and Publications Directory