Foundations of Social Capital

Foundations of Social Capital
Edward Elgar Pub
Elinor Ostrom, T. K. Ahn


'As theoretical paradigms develop, there comes a time when they need careful synthesis, deep reflection and wise criticism. It is now that time for the arguments regarding social capital. Political scientists are fortunate that a scholar as pre-eminent as Elinor Ostrom, and her able student T.K. Ahn, have taken the lead in undertaking this task. They have pulled together a fine collection of essays and added an insightful and pedagogically sound overview. the collection is likely to find its place in the book bags of all scholars concerned with the contributions of this literature to our discipline.' - Joe Oppenheimer, University of Maryland, College Park, US 'Ostrom and Ahn do us the great service of bringing together a varied, rich array of central works on social capital, many of which have been relatively inaccessible. the idea of social capital is still very much a work in progress, as these contributions from a broad array of disciplines demonstrate. Having this collection available will help focus further development of that idea.' - Russell Hardin, New York University and Stanford University, US

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