Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement series, 291
This volume contains articles by Martha Himmelfarb on topics in Second Temple Judaism and the development and reception of Second Temple traditions in late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
The 17 essays in this volume fall into four sections: Early Judaism and its Environment; Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah; Wisdom, Scribes and Scribalism; and Theology of the Hebrew Bible.
In Scribes, Visionaries, and the Politics of Second Temple Judea, distinguished New Testament scholar Richard A. Horsley analyzes the function and meaning of these religious movements within their social context, providing essential ...
In this book, Molly Zahn investigates how early Jewish scribes rewrote their authoritative traditions in the course of transmitting them, from minor edits in the course of copying to whole new compositions based on prior works.
With an extensive, up-to-date bibliography, plus numerous helpful cross-references, summaries and syntheses, this book is essential reading for scholars and students of the history of Jewish religion.
Offering readers a fresh and interesting way to engage with wisdom literature, this book: Discusses sapiential books and traditions in various historical and cultural contexts Offers up-to-date discussion on the study of the biblical wisdom ...
'Herod the Great: A Near Eastern Case Study in Roman-Parthian Politics.' In Arsacids, Romans and Local Elites: CrossCultural Interactions of the Parthian Empire, ed. Jason M. Schlude and Benjamin B. Rubin, 93–110. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
In a recent study of ancient Roman sciences, Daryn Lehoux demonstrates how a focus on ancient knowledge-practices can ... and History of Science concerning the ordering of knowledge in the Roman Empire and the resultant coproduction of ...
In Matthew's first instances, dream-visions denote the importance of Jesus's birth; that is, dream-visions to Joseph ... of Dreams, 186–206; and Andrew B. Perrin, The Dynamics of Dream-Vision Revelation in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls, ...