Provides information on key figures, events, and organizations in Afghanistan from 1747, when the state was formed, to the current conflict with the Taliban.
A Bibliography of Afghanistan: A Working Bibliography of Materials on Afghanistan with Special Reference to Economic and Social Change in...
Mountstuart was baffled by Alex's sudden appearance so early this spring . “ Alex , what has brought you to Kabul before the summer ? I'm delighted to see you , of course , my boy . I almost didn't recognize you .
It Lasted For Three Brutal Years And Proved The Most Difficult He And His Army Ever Fought...The Afghan Campaign Recounts The Story Of This Bloody And Ruthless Conflict From The Perspective Of A Macedonian Recruit.
Apart from these advantages, which grew almost naturally out of the Mongols' native environment, Genghis Khan's genius added others. Like the leaders of the early Muslim Arabs six hundred years before, he had learned that tribalism ...
30 EUPOL's objective is to 'significantly contribute to the establishment [of] effective civilian policing ... 34 See Cornelius Friesendorf, 'Paramilitarization and Security Sector Reform: The Afghan National Police' (2011) 18(1) ...
Based on a true story.
The first phase of construction at the temple complex consisted of the erection of what appears to have been a substantial hall and the associated monk's cells ordered around the central temple space. A fire place (0.70m x 0.70m ) ...
The Zala Khan Khel, a branch of the major Afghan Nomad tribe, the Ahmadzai, have migrated for centuries between the highlands of Afghanistan and the lowlands of the Indus Valley in search of pasture.
This lively book places this rich and ancient seam of creativity in its broad historical context and offers the reader a full appreciation of this remarkable country.
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