This new four-volume encyclopedia is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource available on the history of Native Americans, providing a lively, authoritative survey ranging from human origins to present-day controversies. • Approximately 450 entries within four separate volumes • Approximately 110 contributors from among the foremost scholars in the fields, including Troy Johnson on self-determination movements, Richard King on sports mascots, and Jon Rehyner on recovery of Native languages • Hundreds of images, including illustrations, photographs, and maps • A series of helpful research tools rounding out the fourth volume, including an extensive chronology, topical bibliography, and a comprehensive index
A comprehensive, illustrated encyclopedia which provides information on over 150 native tribes of North America, including prehistoric peoples.
Muncie, Wyandot, Kokomo, Monon, Wakarusa, Kewanna, Nappanee, Winnemac, Marengo, Mishiwaka, Elkhart, and Michiana, to name a few, all owe their names to the native peoples of Indiana. Prior to European arrival, Indiana Indians produced ...
Shooting Arrows and Slinging Mud: Custer, the Press, and the Little Bighorn. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013. Murphree, Daniel S. Constructing Floridians: Natives and Europeans in the Colonial Floridas, 1513-1783.
... National Museum of the American Indian,” Smithsonian Institution, Blue Spruce ... Treasures of the National Museum of the American Indian. Smithsonian Institute. New York: Abbeville Press, 2005. National ...
Contains entries on the individuals, events, and topics in Native American history, from Sac through Zuni, covering the period of the first human settlements in the Americas to the twenty-first century.
A reference guide to Native American history, culture, and life contains contributions by more than 260 experts, and includes articles on present-day community life, treaties, and the status of women
8. Twenty-First Century, 2000-Present -- Idle No More, 2012 -- Violence Against Women Act Title IX: Safety for Indian Women, 2013 -- Canonization of Junípero Serra, 2015 -- Recommended Resources -- About the Editors and Contributors -- ...
Sources/Further Reading Morris, Craig and Adriana von Hagen. The Inka Empire and Its Andean Origins. New York: Abbeville Press Publishers, 1993. Sharer, Robert J. Daily Life in Maya Civilization. Westport, Conn.
Focusing on the longest running conflict in American history, this illustrated encyclopedia reveals the common threads that weave through four centuries of clashes, from Columbus's voyage to the Wounded Knee Massacre. 450 entries. 70 ...
Arranged chronologically, this volume captures the past and cultural traditions of American Indian people, spanning from the 1920s to 2015.