The autobiography of Mary Quant--the inventor of the miniskirt--was originally published in 1966 at the height of Swinging London. After opening her groundbreaking boutique Bazaar on London's King's Road in 1955, Quant soared to international fame with her brand of witty style that fitted perfectly with modern city life. She was at the forefront of fashion's democratization--seeking to eliminate snobbery and "make fashionable clothes available to everyone." Her joyful, evocative autobiography captures the world in which she found inspiration--and which she ultimately helped to define and change.
" --Ira Kawaller, Kawaller & Co. and the Kawaller Fund "A fun and fascinating read. This book tells the story of how academics, physicists, mathematicians, and other scientists became professional investors managing billions.
Throughout this tale, he also reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly-burly world of markets.
Colour by Quant
"Mary Quant is a fashion icon. The first focussed study of her career, this book shows how she revolutionised fashion, harnessing youth, streetstyle and mass production to create a new look for everyone.
trader on the desk had heard that Weinstein was known for his chess skills. As Weinstein paused by his terminal, the Russian said, “I hear you play a mean game of chess.” “I suppose.” Weinstein said. “I too play chess.
Color by Quant
This is Mary Quant's incredible memoir in her own inimitable style - a witty, unique account of her whirlwind life. It is a story like no other. But then there is only one Mary Quant.
Now updated and revised to reflect industry changes in the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown! First published in 2007, this unique career guide focuses on the quantitative finance job market.
A renowned thought-leader and a professor of statistics team up to provide the essential tools for enhancing thinking and decision-making in today's workplace in order to be more competitive and successful. 25,000 first printing.
Design more successful trading systems with this practical guide to identifying alphas Finding Alphas seeks to teach you how to do one thing and do it well: design alphas.