the following remedies : Aco , Apis , Ars , Bell , Bry , Calc.c , Dulc , Hepar s , Merc , Nat.m , Nux.v ... ( h ) In the ' particulars ' section , under ' head – sensations – pains ' we find that “ throbbingʻcovers Aco , All.c ...
A Traveller's Guide to Homoeopathy: A Concise Guide to Using Homoeopathy for Emergency Self-treatment Whilst Abroad
Demystifying Homeopathy: A Concise Guide to Homeopathic Medicine
Dr. Mindell concludes the book with a chapter on what should be included in a homeopathic first aid kit.
Dr. Mindell concludes the book with a chapter on what should be included in a homeopathic first aid kit.
Decachords: A Concise Guide to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica for Students of the Missionary School of Medicine and Others
Traditional medicine acknowledges the worth of complimentary medicine, such as homoeopathy, and often combine together to produce a holistic approach. This concise guide is three parts. The first part describes the methodology and history.
This book is a concise guide to using homoeopathic remedies for childhood ailments, but the information can also be applied to other age-groups.
This book offers information on the latest available vaccinations for teens (including the meningococcal and HPV vaccinations), as well as new schedules for childhood vaccinations, it is a comprehensive and reassuring guide to help you make ...
This book has been written in the hope that it will satisfy the needs of the many cat lovers who are interested in an alternative approach to the treatment of illnesses to which this endearing species is subject.