Vona Groarke's second collection uses the image of the house-and houses themselves -- as the setting for the enactment of particular lives. It includes poems about relationships (some playful some soured) and others that are fixed on public, historical reference points. It concludes with more personal attentions. This book ranges from the witty, almost epigrammatic "Open House", through some richly suppressed narratives such as "Domestic Arrangements" to the more somber registers of "Holiday Home". her first collection, Shale (available from Dufour), won the Brendan Behan Memorial Award in 1995.
Reprinted from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes , by Langston Hughes , by permission of Alfred A. Knopf , Inc. “ Dream Deferred ” copyright 1951 by Langston Hughes . Reprinted from The Panther and the Lash : Poems of Our Times ...
When Lady Macbeth says she should have murdered Duncan herself , Had he not resembled Her father as he slept , she said neither more nor less than what a poor criminal said long afterwards , and quite unaware of the passage ...
The Oxford Poets anthologies introduce the work of writers whose poems extend the rich tradition of the Oxford list, now continuing to develop through Carcanet in association with the English Faculty, Oxford University.
Robert Louis Stevenson, Catherine Kerrigan Roger C. Lewis. - - - The Song of Rahéro : A Legend of Tahiti Dedication.
Presents a selection of works by the nineteenth-century poet, including "Maud," "In Memoriam," and "Locksley Hall."
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Poetry Collections of Lewis Carroll" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
There he became particular friends with the headmaster's son, Charles Cowden Clarke, who was eight years his senior. Many years after Keats's death, Clarke recalled how as a schoolboy Keats had been “highly pugnacious” with an ...
本书是包慧怡和彭李菁合作翻译的当代爱尔兰四位诗人的作品集。四位诗人中,迈克尔·朗礼、哈利·克里夫顿和葆拉·弥罕分别为最近三届爱尔兰桂冠诗人,保 ...
《莎士比亚诗歌全编——长篇叙事诗》是“北极光诗·经典译丛”的一部。莎士比亚的长篇叙事诗包括《维纳斯与阿多尼》《鲁克丽丝失贞记》《恋女的怨诉》《凤凰与斑鸠》《热情 ...
本书共分为英国部分和美国部分,其主要内容包括:怀亚特、萨里、斯宾塞、锡德尼、康斯特布尔、丹尼尔、德雷顿、西尔维斯特、莎士比亚、亚历山大、多恩、赫伯特、弥尔顿、无 ...