Lurline Bennett , a missionary teacher and college professor stationed in Shizuoka Province , Japan , has undertaken the task of editing this second edition and I am deeply grateful for her professional assistance and practical comments ...
Millions of people live in a prison of unforgiveness as they find it impossible to forgive others for real or perceived hurts or injustices. In this book, Trevor Chandler brings clear teaching on this important topic.
"Joan Gattuso, bestselling author of A Course in Love, brings her wisdom to a topic that affects everyone-- how to forgive when forgiveness seems impossible.
And forgiveness is the most important path toward healing that we can undertake. The book is made up of three distinct parts.
Power Up Today! You can be healed through the power of forgiveness. Supernatural healing is available! Faith moves God, but forgiveness releases His power.
Forgiveness: The Power and the Puzzles
In this section I want you to understand that whenever you do not forgive, you are always looking at the situation ... The basic problem with forgiveness is that whoever does not grant it is because he believes that his own mistakes are ...
Eva Mozes Kor forges a path of reconciliation and healing as a Holocaust survivor, sharing her life-changing message that forgiveness frees us from the pain of the past. Eva Mozes Kor was just ten years old when she was sent to Auschwitz.
In this manual on how to forgive, there are insights and exercises without a preachy message or assumption that people “should” forgive.
Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity: Servant Leadership as a Way of Life speaks to categorical human transgressions in the hope that readers will be compelled to examine their own prejudices and engage the moral responsibility to ...
Is it difficult to forgive? Absolutely, but the rewards are well worth it. In The Power of Forgiveness, Joyce Meyer reveals that when we choose to forgive others, we release ourselves from sin's power.