In Keynes, Knowledge and Uncertainty, the economics and philosophy of J.M. Keynes are placed in relation to contemporary ideas on economic theorizing, demonstrating the prescience of his thought while also opening up further possibilities for adapting, developing and applying his ideas.
Bringing together the work of many leading figures in the fields of Keynes studies and epistemology, this volume of essays strengthens the foundations of post Keynesian economics and includes constructive developments in the theory of uncertainty and its application.
It is argued that the institutionalist approach provides a very important link in post - Keynesian analysis ( Hodgson , 1988 ) . This relates to the contention that in Keynes ( 1936 ) and in post - Keynesianism expectations are ...
Max Weber , The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism * ( G. Allen and Unwin , London , 1930 ) is another classic in the field , but somewhat more demanding of the reader . The person who wants a less specialized overview of the ...
أيهما أشد خطراً، المسدس أم حوض السباحة؟ ما هي الأشياء المشتركة بين معلمي المدارس ومصارعي السومو؟ لماذا ما يزال تجار المخدرات ...
今此石经末有年月一行,诸臣姓名十行,大书'开成二年丁巳岁'。凡夫岂未之见而妄指为孟蜀邪?”【考论】唐文宗励精图治,崇尚儒术,为复兴儒学从多个方面作出努力,规范经典文字即是其中之一。太和四年(830),工部侍郎郑覃奏请立石壁九经于太学,正定经籍文字, ...
分期付款:因为不确定因素的存在,分期付款可能更合适歪读小陈正在热恋,但他的收入微薄,很难满足女友珍珍在物质上的需求。这一天是女友二十岁的生日,看来无论如何也得送点礼物给她了。他筹了一笔钱,给她买了一只金戒指,另在贺卡上写着: “亲爱的珍珍, ...
... 查德·里歇尔斯(Richard Richels)、约翰·罗默(John Roemer)、汤姆·拉瑟福德(Tom Rutherford)、杰夫里·萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)、赫伯特·斯卡夫(Herbert Scarf)、罗伯特·斯塔文斯(Robert Stavins)、尼克·斯特恩(Nick Stern)、理查德·托尔(Richard Tol)、 ...
不过是在人际关系中投入一点小成本,就能够给你带来高收益,最起码避免高损失,那么,这笔划算的买卖是做不做呢?做人如此,做事也是如此。有时候,我们并不需要做出什么大的贡献来,同样能够获得想要的结果。大学毕业后,陈凡和几位同窗好友一同应聘到一家 ...
我们在这里忽略掉所得税,以及两兄弟是否应该去工作赚钱,是否该把大部分钱捐给慈善机构,因为这些问题和我们接下来要谈的主题无关。哥哥阿尔文是个挥霍者,他不仅有挥霍的性情,而且有挥霍的信念。他是卡尔·洛贝图斯的忠实信徒。在19世纪中叶,洛贝图斯宣称 ...