The debate regarding the increased funding of higher education has focused on specific issues - such as whether higher education should be financed through general taxation and the implications of collecting fees later in life through the use of a tax surcharge - while largely ignoring the important economic interdependencies which affect them.
In The Economics of Higher Education, John Creedy explores the economic foundations of the debate and focuses attention on the process of government decision-making including the precise way that these decisions are affected by the possible external effects of higher education. This book addresses the key issues in the debate using a fully specified model which allows for dispersion of abilities, the individual's decision to invest in higher education and the government's choice of higher education grant, along with the government's budget constraint. This model is also used to consider the effects of alternative tax and grant systems on the distribution of lifetime income within a cohort of individuals, and is extended to allow for the general equilibrium effects of other social transfers to the low paid, along with means testing of grants.
The non-technical introduction discusses the author's approach, the framework of analysis and the conclusions which he has reached. As a rigorous analytical contribution to a major public policy debate, this book will be welcomed by policymakers and educationalists, as well as by teachers and researchers in the field of public economics.
Analysis of Proposed Tax and Savings Incentives for Higher Education: Scheduled for a Public Hearing Before the Senate Committee on...
Teacher certification testing is the most widely discussed topic in education. This book explores the history of the movement, relevant legal and technical issues, and program design and implementation.
"If there was ever a single book that enables you to survive through teacher training and during your first teaching post THIS HAS GOT TO BE IT!" 3/4D.P. Byers, United...
Are America's schools broken? Education Hell: Rhetoric vs. Reality seeks to address misconceptions about America's schools by taking on the credo 'what can be measured matters.' To the contrary, Dr....
Describes a variety of funding sources open to women for study, research, travel, career development, and training.
Although educators and school boards sometimes resist the idea, accountability is sorely needed in America's schools. Our students are falling behind those in other countries, yet compared to their foreign...
This text in AB's new Educational Leadership series from Peabody College, discusses how the standards and accountability movement has affected teachers and school leaders and illustrates its impact on learning....
Can we create a funding system that's fair to every school and every taxpayer? Or is this an impossible goal? That's the issue Monk and Brent raise. In this succinct...
School Finance and Education Policy: Enhancing Educational Efficiency, Equality, and Choice
Updated Edition of Bestseller! This update of the classic Corwin bestseller is a "how-to" on teacher compensation, bringing new information, insights, and innovations to an increasingly challenging discussion.