In the 23 years since this book was first published, numerous books along the same lines have appeared. Techniques vary minimally, and very few discoveries or developments have been made in the field of using hypnosis in therapy. The research that has appeared largely confirms what has been known for a very long time, such as its efficacy as an adjunct to chemical analgesia and anesthesia for intrusive and painful surgical procedures. However, during that period, a tremendous and astonishing amount of research has appeared in the fields of neurology (especially brain function), endocrinology, and immunology, as well as their interaction and integration with psychological processes. While hypnotic techniques have been much the same over the years, the underlying and mediating roles of these physical mechanisms in hypnosis are now substantially revealed. Understanding how hypnotic suggestions produce physical effects, and how these physical processes affect what is to be done in hypnosis will illuminate and guide what is attempted in hypnotherapy. The more the therapist bears these mechanisms in mind, the more effective and focused the work will be. This second edition therefore includes a summary account of the most cogent discoveries of the last two decades, and references to some of the most important knowledge acquired in this period in psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology.
This practical guide shows how cognitive hypnotherapy can be used to treat a range of emotional disorders including depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, eating disorders and PTSD.
Anybody can learn to become a hypnotherapist, even if you have little or no experience. This book will teach you how to hypnotise anybody, how to deepen the state of hypnosis.
Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy Volumes 1 and 2 have been combined to create the single most comprehensive source of scripts and strategies that can be used by hypnotherapists of all levels of experience to build a successful ...
Dr. Holmes-Meredith presents her approach to teaching and working with hypnotherapy with ten Taoist precepts taught through the ancient Taoist text the Tao Te Ching.
New features in this edition include an arrangement of techniques from simple to complex, so that those using hypnosis in a limited way easily learn the applicable technique; a chapter on the common application of hypnotherapy now includes ...
A handbook for therapists that contains everything needed when using hypnotherapy with children and young people.
This text on learning and practicing hypnotherapy in a professional setting is designed to explain techniques, answer commonly asked questions, and provide theories and explanations about hypnosis.
Dr. Michael Newton is world-famous for his spiritual regression techniques that take hypnotic subjects back to their time in the spirit world.
An easy-to-follow, reassuring and responsible guide that shows how you can use hypnotherapy to identify and overcome unhealthy modes of thinking, deal with emotional issues, improve performance, and banish bad habits.