South-East Asia offers an array of spectacular and unusual birds. This illustrated work displays over 250 birds to be found in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Phillipines. It offers advice on how to locate and identify them in the field; facts on behaviour, feeding, breeding and migrating habits; and information on threatened or endangered species in each country.
South-East Asia is one of the richest parts of the world in terms of reptiles. The first comprehensive guide to the reptiles of this region, "A Field Guide to the...
Smith, H. C., Garthwaite, P. F., Smythies, B. E. and Ticehurst, C. B. (1943–1944) On the birds of the Karen Hills and Karenni found over 3,000 feet. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 43:455-474; 44: 60-72, 221-232. Smythies, B. E. (1940) The ...
The accompanying text concentrates on the specific characteristics and appearance of each species that allow identification in the field, including voice and distribution maps."
Included are the birds of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Indochina, as well as those found in South China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This book covers 668 species and contains more than 700 colour photographs.
This is the first-time flexi-cover edition of this classic field guide, which is the definitive volume on the region's birdlife.
A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia, Covering Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Hong Kong
Birds of Southeast Asia: Covering Myanmar, Malaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Hong Kong
This is the first single volume guide ever devoted to the eastern Asian avifauna.
"This book is a major contribution to the ornithology of South East Asia, one of the world's most biologically diverse regions.
This lavishly illustrated guide describes the 125 best sites for viewing both common and rare species in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam.