Originally published in Germany in 1992, thi s study of the formal style of English garden layout (which is based on 17th century designs) is richly illustrated and includes a gazetteer of the 100 most beautiful gardens in En gland '
A Complete Guide Ti Growing and Preparing Vegetables Written in the Best-selling 'Expert' Style
Owing to the extraordinary geological and climatic variety, Scotland boasts a great diversity of over a thousand indigenous plants, and a multitude of these would make a welcome addition to any Scottish garden.
Garden Way Publishing was founded in 1973 as part of the Garden Way Incorporated Group of Companies , dedicated to bringing gardening information and ... The Big book of gardening skills / by the editors of Garden Way Publishing .
這本書裡有很多東西可以養活我們的靈魂。──《泰晤士報》 ★《泰晤士報》年度百大最佳書籍 ★ 2020年英國溫萊特自然寫作獎入圍 ★《 Garen & Gun》年度選書 ★ ...
It is a plant that is easy to grow in a sunny spot , and readily self - seeds . ... because it is named as the most striking species of the genus in the classic German book by Jelitto and Schacht - Hardy Herbaceous Perennials ( 1990 ) .
The French, who are known for their style in all things, have long brought their artistry to bear on vegetable gardening, turning plots that could be merely utilitarian into gardens...
Something is blooming every day of the year in the renowned gardens at Montrose, Nancy Goodwin's nineteenth-century property in historic Hillsborough, North Carolina. Since moving to Montrose with her husband...
From the author of the native gardening classic Noah's Garden: Restoring the Ecology of Our Own Backyards comes My Weeds, a foray into the secret and fascinating lives of the...
This book offers a selection of 200 of the Country Life's most outstanding photographs with an historical background, to foster an appreciation of some of Ireland's greatest buildings.