Take account of the changes to law and practice. This work includes material on: employee comparability and consultation, including part time employees and fixed term contract personnel; accounting for 'human assets'; the Operating and Financial Review; and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The Company Director's Desktop Guide
This book has been providing accessible, expert guidance and assurance to UK company directors for many years.
In this new edition Roger Mason provides accessible, expert guidance for professionals on every aspect of the company secretary's role, clearly explaining the significance of the new provisions of the Act and ending each chapter with a ...
A guide to being an effective company secretary.
The Company Director's Desktop Guide has been providing accessible, expert guidance and assurance to company directors for many years.
The Company Director's Desktop Guide is an indispensable source of reference on all areas of company law and practice for directors in every type of organisation.
This book also deals with the latest requirements, including: - Anti-bribery - Modern slavery - Gender pay reporting - Tax evasion legislation
The Company Director's Desktop Guide has been providing accessible, expert guidance and assurance to company directors for many years.
David Martin explains how directors and professional advisors can meet their legal obligations and responsibilities, anticipate and resolve problems and work effectively with the various part of businesses of which they are members.
Activity Coaching skills and model – practice Working with a group of managers, divide into threes. During this activity you will play the following roles in turn: 1. The manager The role of the manager is to use each phase of the ...