Sequel to Spitfire On My Tail, the courageous story of Steinhilper's experiences as a German Prisoner Of War POW) in Canada and the USA and his three escape attempts.
The historian author of Italy's Shadow presents an account of the pivotal World War II battle based on extensive interviews with people on both sides, offering insight into how the fight was won and the potential of alternate scenarios. 25 ...
Johnson flew Marie during its first 256 hours, and downed six e/a while flying this Mustang. When Capt. ... Lester Steinke, named it Vicious Aloysius, and it was renamed Georgia Peach when Lt. Rocco Palumbo became its pilot.
Steinhilper and Osborne, Spitfire on My Tail. Chapter 8: 'Here come those last fifty Spitfires' 1. Toye, Lloyd George and Churchill. 2. Corrigan, Blood, Sweat and Arrogance. 3. Churchill to Dowding, 24 June 1940, National Archives, ...
Kingcombe wasshot down, however – byhis own side: There had been an engagement, and I was gliding back to Biggin Hill after usingup all my ammunition. I remember it was a beautiful day and Icould see Biggin Hillin the distance.
... Spitfire Manual, firstedition, AmberleyPublishing, 2010 Sarkar, D., Spitfire Voices:Life asaSpitfire Pilotinthe Words of the Veterans, first edition, Amberley Publishing, 2010 Steinhilper, U. and Osborne, P.,Spitfire On My Tail: A ...
Ulrich Steinhilper German Messerschmin 109 pilot 'Spitfire on my taiL' I heard this cry from 109 pilots on the radio quite a few times. From then it sometimes didn't last that long until that voice didn't exist any more. 'Spitfire on my ...
Flames and black smoke poured from her starboard engine, she broke away from the formation, and I saw two parachutes open. The time was 12.36. Kill No. 69. Then Spitfires were on my tail. Tracer bullets whizzed past me.
Footsteps of the Hunter
Oberleutnant Ulrich Steinhilper, Spitfire on My Tail. His Bf 109 E-4, Wk Nr 2798, Yellow 2 crashed at Upstreet, Kent at 0940 hrs. 1. 18 September 1940: Spitfire, 1810 hrs 2. 24 September 1940: Spitfire, 1440 hrs, N-E Dover 3.