Requirement by shareholder to be bought out (sell-out) If, in a takeover offer, the total holdings of the offeror and the offeror's associates (including shares held at the date of the offer) reach 90 per cent (both of value and ...
In the director disqualification case of Re Barings plc (No 5) [2000] 1 BCLC 523, at pp 535–6, the Court of Appeal agreed with the following statement by Jonathan Parker J at first instance: (i) Directors have, both collectively and ...
Certificate of compliance Under IR 1986, r 4.14, the petitioner or its solicitor must, at least five business days before the hearing of the petition, file with the court a certificate of due compliance showing the dates of presentation ...
Our expert editors have carefully selected material to help you direct your study and gain an overview of the subject area.Blackstone's Statutes on Company Law is edited and designed to help you succeed in your legal studies.Blackstone's ...
The second edition of Applications to Wind Up Companies provides practitioners with an up to date and in-depth treatment of the law relating to applications to wind up companies.
Celebrating over 30 years as the market-leading series, Blackstone's Statutes have an unrivalled tradition of trust and quality.
Employing a practical and contextual approach, this student textbook covers developments in the self-regulation of corporate governance, which is becoming global due to the activities of the OECD and World Bank.
Adamson, [1974] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 133; [1975] Q.B. 180. A dierent conclusion was reached in Trevor Ivory Ltd. v. Anderson, [1992] 2 N.Z.L.R. 517. What amounts to such an assumption will depend upon the facts of the particular case.
R Booth, Capital Requirements in United States Corporation Law' in M Lutter (ed), Legal Capital in Europe (de Gruyter Recht 2006) 620,626. * Manning and Hanks (n 4) 42. ** ibid 30. * Berle and Means (n 25) 146. performance by a third ...
By debunking some of these critically important theories, this book lays the foundation for an accurate understanding of the derivative action in Asia and a re-examination of the regulation of the derivative action around the world.