This new addition to the Clarendon Law Series offers an authoritative and concise introduction to Personal Property Law. Ideal for those coming to the subject for the first time, it provides a succinct but comprehensive overview of the subject. Written by a significant figure in the field, this clear and critical account of the principles of Personal Property Law will also be of interest to academics.Providing a definition of personal property law, the author demonstrates why an understanding of the principles of personal property is important. In defining the various types, he discusses the common law interests (ownership and possession) and in the process deals with the proprietary characteristic of bailment. There is also an outline discussion of equitable interests.
Personal Property Security Act for Legal Support Staff: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar Held in Vancouver, B.C....
The only book of its kind, explaining the unique features of personal property trusts and how they can be used for privacy, asset protection, negotiations, estate planning and more.
"This authoritative text covers the theory and practice of residential and commercial valuation as well as appraisal methods, standards, and reports"--
This edition of The Appraisal of Real Estate reflects the efforts of dozens of designated members of the Appraisal Institute and other volunteers."--PUBLISHER.
This study guide includes 170 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 50 questions comprising a comprehensive "practice exam.
The Appraisal of Real Estate
Hopper finds a yo-yo and Arty finds a pocket knife. When they try to keep them, they get in trouble with the court, and learn that the old adage "finders keepers-losers weepers" does not always hold true
This book examines traditional methods of securing debts (such as mortgages, charges and pledges) on property other than land, describing how these are created, how they must be registered (or otherwise 'perfected') if they are to be valid, ...
Secured Transactions in Personal Property: Cases, Text, and Materials, 8th Edition explores key issues surrounding transactions involving secured credit.
This law school casebook is a detailed examination of secured transactions in both the commercial and consumer context. The Eighth Edition treats in detail the provisions of Revised Article 9 (Secured Transactions).