Camille Pissarro and His Family: The Pissarro Collection in the Ashmolean Museum

Camille Pissarro and His Family: The Pissarro Collection in the Ashmolean Museum
Biography & Autobiography / Artists, Architects, Photographers
Ashmolean Museum
Kristen Erickson, Ashmolean Museum, Anne Thorold


The collection of drawings and watercolours by Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, is the largest in the world and is the largest collection of drawings by any single Impressionist artist. A close friend of Cezanne and Gauguin, he was the only member of the group to exhibit in all eight Impressionist exhibitions between 1874-76. This work illustrates the full range of his work from the 1850s through to one of his last pictures, painted from his window in Le havre in 1903, Quai au Havre.

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