Published alongside its UK release in February 2007, this is the official Shooting Script of one of the most intriguing and star-ladenmovies of recent times. The Good Shepherd offers a fascinating history of post-war paranoia, as well as parallels with our own time. It is also the story of one mans patriotism taken beyond the limits of humanity.Like all titles in the Shooting Script series, the volume contains a wealth of additional material including interviews, writers notes, stills and the complete cast and crew credits.
전편 〈신비한 동물사전〉으로부터 몇 달이 흐른 1927년, 뉴트 스캐맨더의 활약으로 뉴욕에서 체포된 어둠의 마법사 겔러트 그린델왈드가 스스로 예고한 대로 감옥을 탈출해 ...
冬林听到急促的脚步声,从睡梦中惊醒。他点亮了松明子火。秀月推门走了进来,一头扎进冬林的怀抱:“冬林,我实在受不了啦!”冬林:“吴龙又打你了?”秀月含泪捋起衣襟,身上伤痕斑斑。冬林轻轻抚摩着秀月的伤痕:“这个畜生,总有一天我要收拾他!”秀月依偎在冬林的胸 ...
Here is the official screenplay book tie-in to the uproarious American family road comedy. Brazenly satirical yet deeply human, Little Miss Sunshine introduces audiences to one of the most endearingly...
In Uruguay in the early 1970s, an official of the US Agency for International Development (a group used as a front for training foreign police in counterinsurgency methods) is kidnapped...
The Mummy's Curse: (including the Original Shooting Script)
Here is the complete book on Spanglish, the fifth movie directed by James L. Brooks, the story of Flor (Sex and Lucia's Paz Vega) emigrating to Los Angeles from...
Its vast history and environs have been explored, studied, and chronicled extensively for more than twenty years. Now, this landmark volume--a definitive reference devoted exclusively to the Star Wars milieu--draws...
Han pasado cinco años desde que los Cazafantasmas entraron por última vez en acción. El doctor Peter Venkman ha quedado relegado a un programa de televisión donde se discuten fenómenos...
The official screenplay book tie-in to the highly acclaimed movie from Fox Searchlight Pictures, written by Diablo Cody (author ofCandy Girl) and directed by Jason Reitman (Thank You for Smoking),...
마법 동물학자인 뉴트 스캐맨더가 뉴욕에 도착했을 때만해도 아주 잠시 머물 생각이었다. 그러나 뉴트의 가방이 엉뚱한 사람의 손에 들어가고, 그가 데리고 다니던 신비한 동물 몇 마리가 가방을 빠져나와 골머리를 썩이게 되는데...뉴트...