Irlands ældste historie i myteform, samt en næsten komplet samling legender om Cuchulain og Finn Mac Cool, de største helte i irsk tradition
This is an enchantingly told collection of the stirring sagas of gods and goddesses, fabulous beasts, strange creatures, and such heroes as Cuchulain, Fingal, and King Arthur from the ancient Celtic world.
Developed from an early oral storytelling tradition dating back to the dawn of European culture, this is one of the oldest and most vibrant of Europe's mythologies.
Splendid compilation of tales ranges from Arthurian myth to less-familiar adventures, such as Finn and his Fenians, plus many other heroic figures from the Gaelic pantheon.
Williams’s mythological expertise and captivating writing style make this volume essential reading for anyone seeking a greater appreciation of the myths that have shaped our artistic and literary canons and continue to inspire today.
Celtic Myth and Legend: Poetry & Romance
Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race
Hear the tales of Gods, monsters, magic, and more!
Gathers together tales from Ireland, Wales, Brittany and England. This book gathers together a range of tales from Ireland, Wales, Brittany and England.
Kay (Kai, Cai, Cei, Sir Kay) Arthurian hero. The kindly and sometimes buffoonish Kay appears in a number of Arthurian stories as ARTHUR's companion, foster brother, and seneschal (steward). He may have originally been a Welsh god of war ...
The ruler of Ireland was inextricably linked to the fortunes and prosperity of the land itself . Thus the niggardliness of King Bres led to a blight of barrenness upon Ireland . The royal court of Tara was 18 CELTIC MYTHS.