Transport interchanges and related environments create a special architectural challenge and instigate social and political discussion. The contemporary Urban Gateway has increased vitality as we move into the new decade; this volume highlights the strength of its progress. Articles investigate political issues and emotive forces. The dynamics are confronted and the pragmatics explored by innovative projects from around the world.
This book presents for the first time the most important transportation buildings and projects designed by gmp between 1964 and 1996, many of them built.
Lester Pearson Airport represents another landmark terminal design for the Arup engineering team , whose track record includes the recently completed Terminal 4 at JFK ( see pages 48–59 ) , Chek Lap Kok in Hong Kong ( see pages 72–87 ) ...
Architecture for Transportation
The Architecture of Transport in the Federal Republic of Germany
Building Type Basics for Transit Facilities covers the essentials of designing transit facilities. * Features innovative transit station designs, including light and heavy rail, airports, and cruise terminals. * Presents...
Transportation decision making policy architecture for the 21st century.
Because of the need to perform comparisons between transportation systems that are likely to have significantly different levels of risk, both because of differing degrees of freedom in achieving desired performance levels and their ...
Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, selfperpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the ...