This text represents an attempt to bring together matters that would provide guidance to parliamentarians, and present a parliamentary perspective on some of the aspects of strengthening democracy throughout the world.
應該說,大多數國家都樣周而反覆。我們要如何擺脫這個惡性循環?我只能再次重申:別怕每年花個幾歐元的 o 於是,政治不平等不斷強化經濟不平等,而經濟不平等又會加深政治不平等,就這所得稅和財富稅,並提高消費稅,將公共支出的重擔轉嫁到社會最弱勢階級的肩上 ...
為什麼有些抗爭被遺忘,有些抗爭卻能引發公共事件,促成改變?他們如何做到? 公民抗爭若不滿足於「向權力說真相」,而要求確實「造成改變」,什麼樣的策略才是有效的? ...
[5]趙虎吉:《比較政治學:後發展國家視角》,廣州:中山大學出版社,2002年。[6]叢日云:《當代世界的民主化浪潮》,天津:天津人民出版社, 1999年。[7]張小勁:《比較政治學導論(第二版)》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2008年。
He pressed for the arrest and trial of Baltimore Ravens football star Ray Lewis for two murders outside a suburban Atlanta bar . But prosecutors could find no evidence linking Lewis to the crime , and Lewis's attorney criticized them ...
另一个仆人老王替我洗衣、熨衣、擦鞋,外加照料菜园子,每月才挣十四块中国货币。而且,他还让我签了一纸合同,规定由他提供肥皂、浆水和上蓝剂(防止白衣服变黄的药水),我则负责提供鞋油,另外提供烧开水和热熨斗的煤炭。我的人力包车,连同车夫一起, ...
《自由主义论丛》在华语世界张扬代表当今 文明世界潮流的自由主义、进步主义理念和价值 观,分析批判逆世界文明进步潮流的极右思潮, ...
... 280 Schwartz, Anna Jacobson, 307 Schwartzstein, Linda, 302 Secession, 116-17 Securities and Exchange Commission, ... 265, 285 Sobel, Russell S., 283, 287, 293, 302 Socialism as an alternative to liberty, 25 as an economic system, ...
through Election Day , Rogers caricatured the farcical humors of grave campaign politics . ... Oscar G. Brockett , The Theatre : An Introduction ( New York : Holt , Rinehart and Winston , 1964 ) , p . 111 . 2.
As the U.S. strives to establish democracy in Iraq and contemplates its own democratic system in the wake of the presidential election, David Beetham offers new insights into democracy. He...
Education for Democracy: Citizenship, Community, Service : a Sourcebook for Students and Teachers