The first edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations was published in 1941 and for over 70 years this bestselling book has remained unrivalled in its coverage of quotations past and present.
... in the world of Aids affection A. beaming in one eye DICK 263 : 3 administrative a . won't LYNN 480 : 21 PERK 573 : 22 ... CHAU 207 : 12 afford a . it or no GAY 332 : 17 Adonis A. in loveliness HUNT 396 : 5 Sweet are the uses of a .
Based on the 7th ed. of the Oxford dictionary of quotations. Includes extensive coverage of literary and historical quotations and contains up-to-date material from today's influential literary and cultural figures.
JAMES TRUSLOW ADAMS, Jeffersonian Principles and Hamiltonian Principles, p. xvii (1932). See also No. 1331. 44 But America is a great, unwieldy Body. Its Progress must be slow. It is like a large Fleet sailing under Convoy.
Over 7,000 quotations arranged by subject for easy look-up. Nearly 600 subjects covered, from Memory and Humour to Television and Weddings.
STEPHEN VINCENT BENÉT ( 1898–1943 ) , U.S. novelist , poet . John Brown's Body ing the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin . ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE ( 1805–59 ) , French ... WALT WHITMAN ( 1819-92 ) , U.S. poet .
Furnishes over five thousand quotations, including classic one-liners, quips, and put-downs from such personalities as Groucho Marx, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Tom Stoppard, Jane Austen, and Dorothy Parker.
Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs
Covering more than three hundred topics, including "Children" and "Last Words," and more than five thousand entries, this amusing reference tool provides witticisms for all occasions for writers, students, and business people alike.
An author index gives quick and easy access to what is in the dictionary and provides information on each author." "The book will appeal to the general reader with an interest in who said what and when they said it.