Designed to provide marketing managers and students with the financial know-how to maximize the cost effectiveness of their marketing activities, this is a concise account of how and why you should integrate a financial function within the marketing process. It stresses the pivotal relationship between finance and strategy in the marketing process and clearly demonstrates the techniques and calculations that are necessary to formulate a comprehensive plan. Professor Ward also concentrates on how financial input in marketing can create shareholder value and demonstrates how to achieve the required integration of the finance function with marketing for the successful modern business. The text reflects the trend towards stressing the need for marketing to contribute to shareholder value and is backed up with a number of integrated industry examples and case studies to demonstrate the success and failure caused by the marketing finance interface.
The implications of those stark assertions are , I realize , as disturbing as they are profound . They are in obvious disharmony with certain religious beliefs and , in hinting that we might have to re - evaluate our attitude towards ...
Tom Cowan has pursued this theme in a lyrical cross-cultural exploration of shamanism and the Celtic imagin
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Coe, Michael, 19, 24, 34, 209 Colbert, Stephen, 214 Colgate University, 132, 160 collision course, 24, 111, 115, ... 154, 158–160, 164, 170 December Solstice Sun Lord, 42 Dechend, Hertha von, 31, 41 Delair, J. Bernard, 52–53, 55, ...
故事的後續發展是,維特考特跟史普林格魚雁往返多次,史普林格最後授權他在英國建立一個新的神廟。維斯特考特將手稿的內容變成完整的施行儀式。 0 這份密碼手稿雖然真的描繪了一套密契組織能夠有效實行的儀式內容,但是有關史普林格小姐和那些書信往來的部分 ...
令人心碎卻無能為力的真實故事。 性、權力、升學主義──青澀的表皮、變態社會的日常 如果這件事情正在發生,我們要怎麼假裝世界上沒有人以強暴小女孩為樂? ...
艾耶 Ranga Iyer 維魯普蘭──馬德拉斯鐵路 Villupuram-Madras 蒂魯科盧 Tirukkoilur 維魯普蘭──卡特帕地鐵路 Villupuram-Katpadi 蒂魯奇奇拉帕里 Tiruchchirapalli 曼巴拉帕圖 Mambalapattu 阿拉耶尼那魯 Arayaninallur 濕婆蘭卡普里 Sivalankapuri 阿 ...
「天上如是,人間亦然。」乃魔法的關鍵概念之一, 意味著物質世界的事物可反映出更高次元的存在。 水晶已存在於地底數千年,甚至數百萬年,它來自地底深處, ...
六如同我們在科帖爾那一章所言塔羅牌的四牌組對應到四元素而我們也看到四張數字一的牌象徵這些元素之力的根源而數字二的四張牌則歸在侯克瑪代表這些元素在和諧平衡中的極化功能表現因此數字二的牌總是和諧的牌三水元素的聖杯二被稱為愛之王而我們在這裡 ...
謝謝你我第一次感受神明的力量是如此慈悲如同無極瑤池金母所說的我們的顯現將帶給人民更安穩的心當安定的力量出現的在靈修上同樣苦尋不到一位名師教導她如何繼續走下去聽完我向她解釋道今日全場讀者就只有妳一人看見地藏王菩薩在我身上顯像不也正說明妳與 ...