We have to get back at them in their pockets where it hurts, be awkward and cussed as only we Dalesfolk know how.' 'Yer talking riddles ... Isaac Cleghorn shifted his stool, ears flapping like an elephant, to join in this conversation.
The Biggest Aspidistra in the World: A Personal Celebration of Fifty Years of the BBC.
More than a few Dalesfolk were robbed or killed by yoursellswords, Lord Selkirk,” Fflar explained. ... “Iknow what you are speaking of. ... Dalesfolk fightingunder my banner will fallon the SableWyvernsat the first opportunity.
“I don't know of any Dalesfolk cavalry that might be this far to theeast. Of course, they're probably mercenaries in Sembia'spay ... “They mayhave nointerest in talking tous,Ilsevele. You know that.” “I know.” She looked atthe riders ...
A fast-paced Witch World adventure by the authors of The Duke's Ballad finds heir Lorcan making a stand in the dale of the maiden Meive, where they hope to create a safe haven for those who have lost land or kin during a devastating war.
Hallberger's Illustrated Magazine: 1877