Your favorite occupation? Pondering and musing. Your idea of happiness? Pondering and musing. Your most extreme aversion? Pedantry and a sense of order. Of what are you afraid? Punctuality. These quotations are from a questionnaire filled in by a young man in his late twenties. That person, Rudolf Steiner, would later initiate Spiritual Science, or Anthroposophy, and the many practical disciplines that arose from it. Eventually, he would write his Autobiography: Chapters in the Course of My Life, although its completion would be interrupted by his unexpected death. This book is an essential complement to Steiner's unfinished Autobiography. It gathers a wealth of personal testimonies--including lectures, r sum s, notebook entries, a questionnaire, as well as biographical notes written for douard Schur --much of which has not been previously published in English. The various materials, together with rare photographs, have been expertly collated and introduced by Walter Kugler. See also the comprehensive biography by Christoph Lindenberg, Rudolf Steiner: A Biography.
Steiner nous montre que la mission de « Meister Jesus » , c'est de retourner , de bouleverser nos représentations actuelles de la matière ( l'atome comme l'imaginatio de l'univers ) ; c'est une projection des éléments du tableau qui ...
W.J. Stein, The Ninth Century and the Holy Grail, op.cit. Chap. 5, footnote 4, p. 68, also Illustration No. 7. W.J. Stein The Principle of Reincarnation, New York, St George Publications, 1986, p. 17. Friedrich Hiebel, (note 64) p.
Contents: Foreword by Robert McDermott Introduction: In Search of a New Thinking The Twentieth Century: Battleground for Human Individuality Child of Middle Europe: Biographical Foundations The Weimar Years: Nietzsche, Steiner, and the ...
... Relatively speaking, the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain came down the course of years to attract more new members than did the English Section aided and abetted by Dornach. In 1948 the severance decisions of 1935 were anyway ...
Hiebel attended the meeting, and his lively descriptions and warm style let those solemn events rise up again in our souls.
This is the first of seven volumes that offer the most comprehensive biography to date of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of Anthroposophy (or Spiritual Science) and the Anthroposophical Society, which today has branches around the ...
This third volume of Peter Selg's comprehensive presentation of Rudolf Steiner's life and work begins with Steiner's invitation to lecture in the Theosophical Society during the summer of 1900.
" --Rudolf Steiner, July 18, 1891 The first chapter of this volume looks at Rudolf Steiner's years in Weimar, beginning with his work at the Goethe Archives editing Goethe's scientific works.
This third volume of Peter Selg's comprehensive presentation of Rudolf Steiner's life and work begins with Steiner's invitation to lecture in the Theosophical Society during the summer of 1900.
This volume is a translation from German of the first chapter of Rudolf Steiner. 1861 - 1925: Lebens- und Werkgeschichte. Band 2: 1914 - 1922 (Ita Wegman Institut, 2012).