A beginner's field guide to North American geology identifies common rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, and land formations.
A Pocket Guide to Rocks and Minerals
The Pocket Guide to Rocks and Minerals
This captivating book introduces children to hands-on science with fun activities like starting your own impressive rock collection and how to stay safe on your rock finding missions.
Geology is the perfect guide for any nature enthusiast.
Describes hundreds of minerals and lists their geographic distribution, physical properties, chemical composition, and crystalline structure.
The text provides descriptions of 200 minerals (including 20 classified as gemstones) and 40 rocks, as well as descriptions of the natural environments where they occur.
Also included is an introduction that covers fundamental geology information and interesting facts. This is the essential source when you're out in the field, both informative and beautiful to peruse.
The Pocket Reference Guide Rocks & Minerals is an ideal compact identification guide to the rocks, minerals and crystals found in the country, on hillsides, in national parks, on old mine tips, in back gardens and in the stone buildings of ...
This fact-filled, accessibly written book encourages young readers to start exploring our rocky world and discover the treasures that lie beneath our feet, from fascinating fossils to precious gemstones.