Make sure it is sturdy enough and large enough to support the arm . You can also improvise slings from pieces of your clothing , or adjust the casualty's clothes to support an injured upper limb . TO IMPROVISE A SLING Use a large safety ...
This edition of the First Aid Manual has been updated and expanded with all of the first aid treatments illustrated in photographs to give clear step-by-step guidance. It also provides the latest information on conditions and treatments
BAT teaches basic skills and knowledge necessary for children to identify and prevent potentially harmful situations, to be able to treat common injuries, and to respond in emergency situations.
This illustrated guide to using local plants for their medicinal properties, this guide includes tips on healing cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, sunburns, gut problems, aches, pains, bug bites, bruises, bleeding, and parasites.
The Outward Bound Wilderness First-aid Handbook
First Aid Handbook: A Complete Guide to Emergency Procedures in the Home, the Workplace and Outdoors