The A-Z of Powder Metallurgy is a comprehensive, easy-to-use desk reference, which can be consulted endlessly for quick and authoritative answers - an essential resource for manufacturers, specifiers, end-users and research workers of powdered metals.
Metal Powders are being used with increasing frequency in the manufacture of diverse objects, such as watch-cases and piston connecting-rods. Metal properties, techniques for their use and the quality of the objects made are only part of this complex industry which is growing year-on-year. This volume provides a reference source defining terms, explaining processes and illustrating equipment, giving a thorough overview of the industry as a whole.
With this book on your desk, you will.
1. Have instant access to definitions, properties and data on powder metallurgy, ensuring you always have accurate information to hand
2. Be able to write with authority for customers and publications
3. Save time, money and effort by researching metal powders properties, processes and the industry as a whole
1. Written by an internationally respected author with many years experience in the field of metal powders
2. An important, easy-to-use reference tool for manufacturers, specifiers, end-users and research workers of powdered metals.
3. Defines terms, explains processes and illustrates equipment, giving a thorough overview of the industry as a whole
J. P. Pearson , K. M. Gray , L. Passador , K. D. Tucker , A. Eberhard , B. H. Iglewski , and E. P. Greenberg , Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA , 1994 , 91 , 197 . 94. J. P. Pearson , L. Passador , B. H. Iglewski , and E. P. Greenberg ...
rubber subjected to the following thermal treatments : cool rapidly to – 40 ° C , hold for 24 hr ; raise rapidly to – 5 ... Bryant 1947. W. M. D. Bryant , “ Polythene Fine Structure , ” J. Polym . Sci . 2 , 547–564 ( 1947 ) . Bunn 1953.
飞鸟、奈良、平安时代:日本香道初发展兰奢待,日本现存最大的沉香处于隋唐时期的日本也出现了其历史上的第一块沉香。据《日本书记》记载,“推古三年(公元595年,隋文帝开皇十五年)有沈木(指沉香木)漂于淡路岛(日本本州与四国之间,濑户内海中),其大一围, ...
This volume covers the three main transport process of interest to chemical engineers - momentum transfer (fluid flow), heat transfer and mass transfer and the relationships between them.
Chemical Engineering: Solutions to the problems in Chemical engineering, vol. 1
King Croesus' Gold: Excavations at Sardis and the History of Gold Refining
Krieger , Gary R. and Ian Austin . 1995. “ International Legal and Legislative Framework . ” Accident Prevention Manual for ... Miller , Jeffrey G. 1985. “ Marine Protection , Research and Sanctuaries Act . ” Environmental Law Handbook ...
Volumetric Analysis of Metal Finishing Solutions
Handbook of Comparative World Steel Standards