Increasingly, nurses and other health professionals are required to teach doctors, trainees and medical students. This book also helps to contextualise learning and provide practical tips for teaching in the clinical context for all health professionals. The book will be useful for clinical teachers at whichever stage of career as it covers all areas of health professions' education in an easy to follow style. It provides a theoretical basis to how clinical teaching and learning might be carried out and draws on the experience of well-regarded clinical teachers to highlight practice points. All aspects of clinical teaching and learning, appraisal, supervision and career development are included. This book is written in an easy to follow format with short chapters, sections, diagrams and practice points. The theory is always related to teaching practice in the clinical context.
The Third Edition of this highly respected book has been further refined following feedback and consultation; it continues to provide essential structure, support, guidance and tips for both beginning and experienced teachers and their ...
... ( CRD ) ( 2001 ) Undertaking Systematic Reviews of Research on Effectiveness : CRD's guidance for those carrying out or commissioning reviews . Report no 4 ( 2e ) . CRD , York . 4 Dixon - Woods M and Fitzpatrick R ( 2001 ) Qualitative ...
This handbook allows a clinical instructor to identify a question about clinical teaching, read, and quickly get ideas about how to effectively handle a situation or create the best learning environment within the clinical context.
FAST. FACTS. in. a. NUTSHELL. Do not expect to see and supervise each student task. 9. I will be making much more money in this position. False. You may very likely earn less money initially than your graduating seniors do.
Some of the key components of situated learning include 'cognitive apprenticeship', collaborative learning, reflection, deliberate practice and articulation of learning skills.(131) Cognitive apprenticeship, a fundamental element of ...
Additionally, this edition provides guidelines for using preceptors, evaluating multimedia, and observing students in practice; sample observation guidelines, learning assignments, and clinical learning activities; and sample policies for ...
Kavanagh, D., Spence, S., Wilson, J. and Crow, N. (2002) Achieving effective supervision, Drug and Alcohol Review, 21: 247–52. Kavanagh, D., Spence, S., Strong, J. et al. (2003) Supervision practices in allied mental health: a staff ...
Davis, M.H., Harden, R.M., 1999. Problembased Learning: A Practical Guide. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 15 AMEE, Dundee. The underpinning principles and an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of the approach.
Narrative-based medicine: Dialogue and discourse in clinical practice. London: BMJ Books. Halpern, H., & McKimm, J. (2010). Supervision. In J. McKimm, & T. Swanwick (Eds.), Clinical teaching made easy.
Nurse Education in Practice, 10(6), 349–354. Stevens, C., Schneider, P. P., & Johnson, C. W. (2012). Preparing students to write a professional philosophy of recreation paper.