This illustrated A-Z features outstanding type designers from around the world, from Gutenberg to the present day. Arranged alphabetically by designer's name, the book contains over 260 biographical profiles. Entries are illustrated by key typefaces taken from a wide range of sources, including type specimens, original posters, private press editions and magazine covers, and also give a list of work and, where applicable, further reading references and a website address. An essential reference for typographers, graphic designers and students, the book also features a full index and eight short texts by leading typographers - Jonathan Barnbrook, Erik van Blokland, Clive Bruton, John Downer, John Hudson, Jean Francois Porchez, Erik Spiekermann and Jeremy Tankard - that cover a variety of different aspects of type design, including typeface revivals, font piracy, designing fonts for corporate identities and the role of nationality in type design.
Profondément français, J.-F. Porchez a su créer de nombreuses passerelles avec le monde typographique anglo-saxon.
A new publication presenting an overview of the work of Samoan-born New Zealand-based alphabet and advertising designer Joseph Churchward [1932].
The ultimate visual encyclopedia, Type Directory is an essential creative tool for novices and aficionados alike. This sumptuous sourcebook will inform, educate, inspire and stimulate as a must-have reference title.
Die visuelle Sprache des Erik Spiekermann
Significantly, this book is also the first of its kind to address the important issue of how designers can best market and sell their fonts, and includes advice on copy writing and working with foundries, as well as how designers can set up ...
This highly visual introduction to all things typographic unravels the story of the fonts that we encounter every day.
Proves why FontFont has made an indelible impression on type and typography trends.