This guide was developed for the American market, a market which leads the way in environmental development and research. The wealth of information contained in the book is relevant to green technologies around the world. For this reason, Gaia Books has decided to make the book available in the United Kingdom and Ireland. maintaining an environmentally-friendly home. Part One presents 12 chapters, each one dedicated to a single subject, approached from many different directions. For example, chapter one - Building - provides information on topics from straw-bale construction and timber frames to Feng Shui and organic and Steiner design. The topic-by-page design gives an introduction to the system or product, explains how it qualifies as a ecologically sound, and offers advice on what to look for, such as seals of approval and labelling systems. decoraton, furniture and funishings, the non-toxic home, backyard, recycling and green experts. Each chapter features shoppers' pages that present a selection of the products and services available. Case studies are integrated into the chapters throughout Part One, featuring the people living successfully using sustainable resources, and making a contribution to the development of green technology. manufacturers, retail outlets and mail-order companies in the United States. This is supported by the resources pages citing relevant groups, organizations and publications. David Pearson is the author of The Natural House Book and Earth to Spirit: In Search of Natural Architecture.
The Healing House . Carlsbad , CA : Hay House , 1997 . Marinelli , Janet , and Paul Beirman - Lytle . Your Natural Home . Boston , MA : Little , Brown & Co. , 1995 . Pearson , David . The Natural House Catalog .
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