In 1988, the King's Fund Centre (KFC) set up the Nursing Developments Programme under the leadership of Jane Salvage to foster the development of nursing practice. Early the following year, a unique scheme was announced, funded by the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust, to provide pump priming funds and support for four nursing development units over a period of three years.
This partial autobiography, written with prose and poetry, concerns a 17 year old, 195 pound, athletic senior class president.
This book is much more than a record of loss. It is a collection of reflections, prayers, and poems of many, many individual souls who collectively tell the story of right now with depth and heart and startling brilliance.
Three Lines A Day is a 3 Year Memory Journal for your thoughts and reflections to remember.
Not long ago I got to spend the weekend with one of my all-time favorite Christian educators, my colleague Ken Coley, who heads up our Doctor of Education program at the seminary. As an educator myself, I am deeply concerned with what ...
This book is a collection of daily reflections created starting in mid-March 2020 as a response to sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic and to give people hope during this time of political and social uncertainty and change
This book is also about a field of medicine that has been bombarded, showered by a never-ending stereotype and my stubbornness, my tenacity at educating people about it, since I know for a fact that anyone can be hit by the catastrophe of ...
... reflections. It is in this regard that I am an advocate for the reflective diary, a book, a post-it note, or a piece of paper where you can write those instant reflections to support your professional development and reflection. 3 ...
Join Pope Francis and let the flame of faith catch fire within you, as it slowly catches fire across the world.
"A wonderfully entertaining read from beginning to end, Twin Reflections by Elizabeth R. Joseph is particularly impressive when considering that it is debut effort of a fourteen year old writer.
This book represents the author's 40 years of writing about distance running.