From product development & innovation to applied & basic research, the DIRECTORY OF EUROPEAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT encompasses all forms of research & every type of facility: academic, commercial, public, private, or joint venture. The main criterion for inclusion is that the project be of at least one year's duration. In all, some 20,000 facilities & 10,000 key personnel from 39 countries in eastern & western Europe, are profiled, including elusive labs tucked away in corporations...universities...& independent facilities. Entries are categorized by type of facility--Business Enterprises, Government, Private Non-Profit, Higher Education & Consultancies-& arranged alphabetically by name. Each entry includes the full name of the organization (in English & the original language), full contact details, main organizational activities, date founded, research expenditure, source of funding, parent organization, affiliation, publications & a listing of full-time research staff, including project managers. A convenient index of 630 subjects helps easily locate any research facility.
Directory of European research and development: Part I
The most widely used textbook set is: “Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering (Butterworth Heinemann / Elsevier). ... 2001, Backhurst, J. R., Harker, J. H, and Richardson, J. F. (Vol 5) Solutions to Problems in Volumes 2 & 3.
The Directory of European Research and Development includes more than 20,000 organizations, from large multinationals to small, fast emerging operations at the cutting edge of current research.
Directory of European Research and Development 1997
Directory of European Research and Development: 1997. Vol. 1
This is the 11th in the series of directories whose overall aim is to make sense of the myriad files in the marketplace by listing databases completely, and grouping them...
The Database lists organizations, institutions and individuals dedicated to basic and applied research and technological development in science and engineering, both privately and publicly funded, and academic.
Directory of Development Research and Training Institutes in Europe
Modern Strategy for Preclinical Pharmaceutical R&D Towards the Virtual Research Company David Cavalla Arachnova Ltd, Cambridge, UK With contributions from: John Flack AMRAD Corporation, Richmond, Australia and Richard Jennings Wolfson ...
Incentives for Industrial Research, Development and Innovation: Directory of Direct and Indirect Public Measures for Promoting Industrial Research, Development and...