In handbook format, discusses a variety of principles related to the writing process, such as composition techniques, grammar, proofreading tips, library skills, reading and study skills, and speech skills.
Provides comprehensive writing and grammar support for tested writing forms; Meaningful context, clear visuals and understandable language; Writing models and real-world examples speak to students.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This classic...
Language: A Student Handbook on Key Topics and Theories
Basic English Revisited: A Student Handbook
An English Student's Handbook
Visions is our newest four-level language development program that supports students from the newcomer level through transition into mainstream classrooms.
Offers complete course in writing in the rhetorical modes.
A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar offers a student-friendly comparative exposition of English and ancient Greek grammatical principles that will prove a valuable supplement to a wide range of beginning Greek textbooks as well ...
While community colleges give first-generation students a chance to open the door to education, simply walking through that door is not enough.