"Great Collectors of Our Time is the first major survey of contemporary collecting and collectors since 1963. It examines many of the greatest collectors of our time in Europe, North America and the Far East, and follows their tastes - whether in the Old Masters or the avant garde - from the 20th century into the 21st." "James Stourton guides us around the astonishing collections created in our time and explores the motivation behind them. He includes collecting dynasties such as the Rothschilds, Gettys, Thyssens, Rockefellers and Mellons, among others; and larger-than-life figures such as Peggy Guggenheim, Yves Saint Laurent, Picasso, Pierre Rosenberg, Robert and Lisa Sainsbury and Andrew Lloyd Webber."
Collecting Photographs: A Guide to the New Art Boom
In this stimulating collection of essays, John Roberts draws together a wide range of work on some of the most important artists of the post-war period.
The watercolors and pastels of the early American modern artist Arthur Dove (1880-1946) are among his most luminous and sensitive images of the American landscape. However, the role of these...
Rebecca Rabinow writes of Louisine Havemeyer, the first great American collector of Degas, who was led by her friend Mary Cassatt to begin amassing a collection that was bequeathed to...
William Morris continues to be celebrated as one of the most imaginative and lyrical designers of the nineteenth century. Many of his patterns are still in production today, and his...
Mrs Guggenheim, how many husbands have you had? Do you mean my own, or other people's? Peggy Guggenheim was an American millionairess art collector and legendary lover, whose father died...
Reproductions from the collection are accompanied by brief discussions of the artists' styles and careers.
James Gleeson, a Surrealist painter and poet, produces images that originate in the depths of his psyche and emerge from the shadows of his soul. His career spans from 1938...
This book celebrates the long neglected art of the Kamoro, a people living along the southwest coast of Papua. Traditional Kamoro culture was characterized by an almost uninterrupted series of...