In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Federal Civil Litigation Precedents
Entries on the plea rolls bore little resemblance to modern " case reports , " as is illustrated by examining some entries that have been printed by the Selden Society : William de Ware demands against the Abbot of S. Edmund's the ...
The Wagstaffe Group Practice Guide: Federal civil procedure before trial
Butterworths Costs in Civil Litigation and Non-litigious Work
Convenient briefcase edition perfect for the courtroom or office. Complete rules in effect as of January 1, 2021. Rules notes and key case precedents are included.
The appendices incorporate helpful templates, flow diagrams, case study documents and copies of the more common court forms used in civil litigation.In this edition we have incorporated changes dealing with early neutral evaluation by the ...
Butterworths Civil Court Precedents: Formerly Butterworths County Court Precedents and Pleadings
'business day' is any day except Saturday, Sunday, a bank holiday, Good Friday, and Christmas Day (r 6.2(b)). Rule 6.14 creates an irrebuttable presumption of law, which means evidence to contradict the deemed date of service is ...
Within a Reasonable Time: The History of Due and Undue Delay in Civil Litigation