Shirley Ashman is no stranger to the emotional strain which is experienced by dementia patients and their carers, her own father fell victim to the disease and suffers from vascular dementia. His plight is documented from the first signs of his illness and Shirley has recorded his decline and the family's struggle to come to terms with this crippling disease. situation and aims to make others aware that they are not alone and that there is help and support available, both practical and spiritual.
The personal stories throughout the book are inspiring, sobering and at times amusing. This book is full of the wisdom and insights of experienced carers, and has much to offer anyone new to this role.
Drawing on stories of families that Dr. Kenny has worked with to illustrate common issues, concerns, and situations that occurs in late-stage dementia, this book includes practical advice about • making life-altering decisions while ...
This book, which is based on a series of lectures delivered by the authors at the University of York, UK in 2011/2012, aims to do just that.
The book also provides invaluable wisdom and tips from people with Alzheimer's and is a must-read for all of my patients with Alzheimer's and their families.
Luckily, the house webuilt sixteen years ago hasmany doorsand roomsthat flow from one to theother. There is a wooden deck, which has a wonderful view and gives hima good walkingarea. Apartment dwellers mustfind it very hardto care fora ...
This book is a thoughtful exploration of how dementia challenges our ideas of personal identity and of the process of self-discovery it can bring about.
As Sounding Bowls are a new instrument, there is no set history of right and wrong, no established method or wrong technique to fall ... Once the client has got this experience under their belt, 174 LIVING WELL WITH DEMENTIA THROUGH MUSIC.
Anyone who cares for someone living with dementia will gain valuable knowledge from this compassionate book.
Experts from Duke University offer a groundbreaking study of the devastating ailment of Alzheimer's, furnishing the latest information and suggestions on diagnosis, medical treatments for early to moderate Alzheimer's, how to cope with the ...
Offering compassionate and carefully considered theological and pastoral responses to dementia and forgetfulness, Swinton’s Dementia redefines dementia in light of the transformative counter story that is the gospel.