From Aan to Lagaan and Beyond: A Guide to the Study of Indian Cinema

From Aan to Lagaan and Beyond: A Guide to the Study of Indian Cinema
Motion picture industry
Trentham Books Limited
Wimal Dissanayake, K. Moti Gokulsing


This authoritative and accessible guide to the study of Indian Cinema is the first designed specifically to help students understand the complexities and intricacies of studying Indian cinema. It covers the vast range of cinemas of India, including the meteoric rise of Bollywood, and describes the important theoretical approaches to the analysis of films, such as the cinematic audience and audience segmentation. The book examines the filmmaking process to show how an Indian movie is made and the technology entailed. All the major issues are discussed: the relationship between cast and crew, the contributions of the designers and choreographers, the impact of the corporatisation of the film industry, censorship, taxation, insurance and advertising. From Aan to Langaan and beyond will help students make sense of the complexities and intricacies of Indian cinema. With the help of case studies of filmic analysis, it will equip them with the theoretical approaches and concepts they require for analysing Indian film. And with its comprehensive coverage, extensive bibliography and suggestions for further reading, its discussion of pedagogical issues about the teaching of Indian cinema and its sample questions, teachers too will find the book an indispensible resource for teaching Indian cinema.

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