The book's structure is flexible, beginning with an introductory overview of economic tools followed by paired chapters in five core areas of law: property, contracts, torts, legal process, and crime.
This text is a broad survey of that scholarship as it has been applied to problems in tort, contracts, property and litigation.
Análisis económico del derecho: Richard A. Posner, William M. Landes, Mark G. Kelman
Law and Economics: An Introductory Toolkit for Lawyers
Now in its third edition, this book uses the basic tools of economic theory to depict law as a social institution, aimed at inducing socially desirable behavior.
The book's structure is flexible, beginning with an introductory overview of economic tools followed by paired chapters in five core areas of law: property, contracts, torts, legal process, and crime.
Law and Economics: An Introductory Toolkit for Lawyers offers the tools needed to learn these concepts and to build a vocabulary in business and economics. The book can be used on its own or as a supplement for a variety of courses.
The third edition has been updated with the latest cases and developments throughout.
Derecho, democracia y economía de mercado
This book draws together 24 chapters, by leading scholars in the field, summarizing the important theoretical and empirical work that has been done to date on a wide spectrum of labor and employment law topics including: regulating ...