Because they work closely with users of care services, frontline care staff are in a position to deliver person-centred care. This work identifies some of the barriers to working in a person-centred way and suggests how these might be overcome. It also offers suggestions for future policy.
Journal of Medical Ethics 27, 86–91. Hughes, J. C. (2011) Thinking Through Dementia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hunter, P. V., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Smythe, W. E., Malloy, D. C., Kaasalainen, S. and Williams, J. (2013) 'The ...
In the healthcare facility the nurse is primarily 'on the front line' and usually the one who is the first responder, and therefore must be equipped with the skills and knowledge to react appropriately and initiate care until help ...
An evidence-based analysis of the opportunities and challenges of moving towards more person-centred health systems.
Voss, Z.G., Voss, G.B., Shuff, C. and Jackson, H. (2002), Theatre Facts 2001: A Report on Practices and Performance in the American Non-profit Theatre, Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY. Wiklund, J. (1999), “The sustainability ...
Case managers can coordinate this process; this collaborative care model has been shown to enhance person-centred care, improve outcomes for people with dementia and reduce inefficient service use, in some but not all studies, ...
Using a reader-friendly, streamlined structure, this book explores services marketing not only as an essential focus for service firms, but also as a competitive advantage for companies that market tangible products.
Nielsen M, Gibson A, Buelt L, Grundy P, Grumback K. The patient-centered Medical Home's impact on cost and quality. Annu Rev Evid. 2013-2014; 2015. Nielsen M, Langner B, Zema C, Hacker T, Grundy P. Benefits of implementing the Primary ...
Sponsored by the Picker/Commonwealth Program for Patient-Centered CareIn this comprehensive, research-based look at the experiences and needs of patients, the authors explore models of care that can make hospitalization more...
"Nurses play a vital role in improving the safety and quality of patient car -- not only in the hospital or ambulatory treatment facility, but also of community-based care and...
2 RESEARCH METHOD This research used qualitative approach with phenomenology method. ... humans should stay in a front line in maintaining nature (transcendent) by using two kind of approaches: human-centered and life-centered.