Goths represent one of the most arresting, distinctive and enduring subcultures of recent times. The dedication of those involved to a lifestyle which, from the outside, may appear dark and sinister, has spawned reactions ranging from admiration to alarm. Until now, no one has conducted a full-scale ethnographic study of this fascinating subcultural group. Based on extensive research by an 'insider', this is the first. Immersing us in the potent mix of identities, practices and values that make up the goth scene, the author takes us behind the faade of the goth mystique. From dress and musical tastes to social habits and the use of the internet, Hodkinson details the inner workings of this intriguing group. Defying postmodern theories that claim media and commerce break down substantive cultural groupings, Hodkinson shows how both have been used by goths to retain, and even strengthen, their group identity. Hodkinson provides a comprehensive reworking of subcultural theory, making a key contribution to the disciplines of sociology, cultural studies, youth studies, media studies, and popular music studies. Readable and accessible, this groundbreaking book presents a unique chance to engage with a contemporary, spectacular culture.
[ 22 ]郭新梅,袁洛,浅述男式衬衫的源流] .丝绸, 2004 , 2 : 44-45 . [ 23 ]刘云华,红帮裁缝研究[ M ] .杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2009.12 . [ 24 ]张鸿志,服装结构数字化设计新发展, 2005 现代服装纺织高科技发展研讨会[ C ] .天津:天津工业大学, ...
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