Much controversy has recently come to surround the status and value of postcolonial modes of cultural analysis. Postcolonial theory has been challenged on several fronts: on its interdisciplinary competence, on the politics of its institutional location, and its implicit will to have power over other kinds of postcolonial analysis, many of which have been established for much longer than postcolonial theory itself. The ensuing debate has often become so heated, even personalized, that the issues at stake have been obscured.
In what is the most comprehensive and accessible survey of the field to date, Bart Moore-Gilbert systematically examines the objections that have been raised against postcolonial theory, revealing the simplifications and exaggerations on both sides of the argument. He provides a detailed institutional history of the ways in which the relationship between culture and colonialism was traditionally studied in the West, then traces the emergence of alternative forms of postcolonial analysis of such questions. He gives an extremely careful presentation of the complex and elusive work of the three principal representatives of postcolonial theory, Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said and Homi Bhabha, and considers the criticisms they have faced, from an alleged Eurocentrism to an obfuscatory prose style. And he assesses the overlaps and differences between postcolonial theory and other forms of postcolonial criticism. Finally he considers the ways in which postcolonial analysis may be connected with different histories of oppression, and looks at how such a heterogeneous theory can be reconciled with political questions of solidarity and alliance in the continuing struggle for cultural decolonization.
行走世间,唯有淡定不破:遇事不慌、遇人不躁,拥有淡定、优雅的心,你,就可以重生!——美国心灵教父戴尔 ...
信息化的社会虽然给人们带来了不少的便利,但随之而来的心理问题和知识焦虑也越来越严重。要想在高焦虑、高压力的社会生活中保持清醒和高效,我们要学会用一种简单的思维方 ...
莫內斯提爾以誠諧且具洞察力的筆觸寫下這本空前絕後的獨特史書,用獨特角度來看塑造並影響個人、群體的道德風俗、感受、廉恥、社會規範的文明進程。 ... 16 作者註:丹尼爾,康納曼,這位認知心理學與行為經濟學的專家在普林斯頓工作。這本熱情洋溢且貢獻卓越 ...
Sandler , Todd , and John T . Tschirhart . 1980 . " The Economic Theory of Clubs : An Evaluative Survey . " Journal of Economic Literature 18 : 1481 - 521 . Scheffler , Israel . 1967 . Science and Subjectivity .
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This work contains the keystone of his critical philosophy - the basis of human knowledge and truth.
E. Warren; On Aristotle's Categories, trans. S. Strange. Neoplatonic Philosophy, ed. J. Dillon and L. P. Gerson. Syrian School Iamblichus School ofAthens (closed byJustinian in 529 C.E.) Plutarch ofAthens, founder (circa 350–433 c.e.) ...
Political Disaffection Among British University Students : Concepts , Measurement , and Causes , by Jack Citrin and David J. Elkins . ( $ 2.00 ) 24. Urban Inequality and Housing Policy in Tanzania : The Problem of Squatting , by Richard ...