Married at sixteen to a man twenty years her senior who spoke no English, she was taken to his ancestral home and estate where she found herself living in the most primitive of conditions, isolated and alone. St. Aubin de Teran ended up virtually running the plantation that belonged to her increasingly demented husband but enjoyed learning the mores and magic of a place that had remained practically unchanged for more than a century. Written in mesmerising prose, this is the extraordinary story of a young woman surviving by her wits and fantasies.
J.K. Rowling discusses her life and work as a writer for children. An overview and bibliography of her work is also supplied.
So who is she, and where did her ideas come from? From a remarkable insider perspective Lindsey Fraser tells the amazing tale that began one day on a train, when Rowling had forgotten to pack a pen. . ."--Book flap.
From her birth in Chipping Sodbury near Bristol, England, to the stories about her favorite teachers, to the funny misunderstanding in her first fan letter, the life of the author of the Harry Potter books is revealed.
This story is that of a woman who does not forget those difficult years during which she wrote regardless of the lack of interest by publishers.
ROWLING, Joanne K., écrivain anglaise
The InteLex Past Masters Women Writers database The Works of Aphra Behn contains seven volumes of Behn's Works as published by Pickering & Chatto 2000-2001.
Yet Jowett was far more than just a devoted college head : for some historians the whole reform period can be simply labelled “ The Age of Jowett ' because of his dominating influence in university circles . A contemporary of Pattison ...
Since F.W. Maitland's Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen (1907), there has been no volume of the letters written by this extraordinary and eminent Victorian.
Perceptive and hilarious, this is a portrait of a family, a city, a country and a continent going through enormous changes.