Three girls, a boat, and a long vacation. Trouble? Sort of, but also a time for memories, fun and the realities of friendship. Nina, Lou and Beth have just finished A levels and a life at school together, so they set off, singularly lacking in nautical skills on Nina's family barge, only reasonably shipshape itself. Aboard, memories of their time together are relived - from late night picnics in the woods, fire practice ad nauseum, the smell of fresh polish on the boarding house stairs, friends, enemies and, not least, the teachers. Both Lou and Beth have been violinists, and though there is friendly competition, it is clearly Lou who is the scholarship girl. And the teacher, Philip, has been extremely attentive to her. But Lou was only fourteen when she first met him, surely only a mutual interest in music pulled them together? Or was there more...
This is the story of the journey undertaken by Bill and Laurel Cooper on their converted Dutch barge, Hosanna, around the Greek Islands.
Bread Upon the Waters
The Ring in the Rough Stuff
On the Battersea Reach of the Thames, a mixed bag of eccentrics lives in houseboats. Belonging to neither land nor sea, they belong to one another. How each of their lives complicates the others is the stuff of this perfect little novel.
The folk song describing the journey from Albany to Buffalo on the Erie Canal in the 1850's. Includes musical notation.
Tugs, Booms & Barges: The Story of the Tugs and Crews in British Columbia and Puget Sound
Tom Tiddler's Ground
... The Usborne Book of Cutaway Boats . London : Usborne Publishing , 1996 . Schaefer , Lola M. Tugboats . The Transportation Library . Mankato , Minn .: Bridgestone Books , 2000 . Internet Sites Hall - Tug Island Tug ...